The first destination on this journey was the city of Chicago. When I had flown from Seattle, I had seen the entire city of Chicago covered with snow and Lake Michigan frozen. Canton was also filled with thick snow. However, when I reached Chicago the following week, the weather had been much warmer. The city seemed to get rid of almost all of its snow and Lake Michigan looked almost like a blue river.

From in front of the Cloud Gate, I went across the Millennium park. Sipping a cup of hot chocolate to keep my hands warm, I went to see the lake from the dock. There I saw few groups of ducks in the water quacking. I don't know how they could survive the cold water.

I took the train and the bus to travel to the city. I stayed deep inside China Town, so everything I was going out, I would see the Chinese and other East Asian markets. I found a statue of Confucius one time.